Just finished cleaning all of my figures (sigh)! I think really need a display cab. With this growing number of figures, I need to somewhat shield them from dust so that instead of cleaning all of them monthly, I can basically do the cleaning every 2 or even 3 months. Do dust still find its way in even if I use glass display cabinets? Took me ages to clean them all T_T. Ok, I’ll relax for now and maybe play some Dead Space 3 :D

Happy Weekends everyone!

Weekend Figure Cleaning (2)
Weekend Figure Cleaning
Weekend Figure Cleaning (1)
Weekend Figure Cleaning

PS: I few days ago, I had a chance to talk to the great Danny Choo. Danny, It’s been an honor to meet you “virtually” :D and I’m really happy that I had the chance to talk with you. You’re such a great guy and also one of my inspiration & motivation when I’m just starting my career. God bless you and I’m looking forward in meeting you in person!

Danny Choo
The Great Danny Choo of Culture Japan