My blog is gaining traffic at an unexpected rate that’s why I decided to implement some new features and improve the overall usability of the site. Thank you guys for all your support!

I’m using WordPress as the main platform for my blog. One of the reasons why I chose WordPress over other platforms is because of its flexible API (or Application Programming Interface for you geeks). I can basically do anything with my blog using the API alone.

One of the improvements I implemented is I basically isolated the “Featured Posts” and the “Figure Review” categories on the main page. This way, users can directly access and check it without having to navigate away from the main page where most of the recent posts are displayed.

Otakumouse: Figure Blog

Another useful feature added on the site is the “Related Posts” module at the end of every post. This will help in keeping the user “engaged” after reading a particular post. For WordPress API users: I basically used the post_thumbnail(); method which returns the featured image of the post and used the query_post(); method to fetch all related posts based on the current post category.

Otakumouse: Figure Blog

I also implemented pagination (using a plugin) on the main page which I actually added a few weeks ago.

Otakumouse: Figure Blog

And lastly, I already fixed some of the minor hiccups present on the image annnotation feature of the post images.

Otakumouse: Figure Blog

Will keep on improving the blog. Comments and suggestions are very much appreciated! \m/

PS: I’ll be hosting figure giveaways too! real soon….. Again, thank you very much for all your support! :D